Wednesday, September 21, 2005


In September we met "the cousins" at Disneyland for what was supposed to be a fun-filled trip!! For the most part it was just that--full of fun. Now, being from Southern Nevada I love a good Monsoonal downpour as much as the next guy. However, when that downpour comes while visiting Disneyland it's not quite so enjoyable. For one thing it's about 30 degrees cooler in California than Nevada so being wet also means being COLD!!! In Nevada, we stay in the house until the storm passes. Not so at Disneyland. When in Disneyland one does the only sensible thing. You either pay $7 for a poncho that will be worn once (that day) or as Mike and Sam did, you pay $21 for a hat that will see more use. Here we are in all our "Disney Condom" (a term coined by my sister-in-law, Patty) glory!!!

1 had this to say:

Patricia said...

What a nice looking family. Ya ya, next time we go there shall be NO rain!! NO RAIN!! :)