Tuesday, October 31, 2006


After school today Sam carved his pumpkin.

Our first stop prior to Trick-or-Treating was
to go to the church carnival with our friends.
Sam did quite a number on poor Tweety. Look
closely in the background at his poor head still
hanging from a string waiting to be bashed yet
again! Poor bird didn't stand a chance!!

Kids in costumes

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Danny Gans Run for Children's Charities

The beginning of the race. Sam is in blue sweat pants just behind the girl in green
Midway thru the race (out in front of his group). This was as close as I could get cutting across the middle of the course before he ran away!
After the race...Sam collapsed in the grass with his yellow popsicle stick which he later traded for a medal. Medals were awarded to the top 10 finishers in each grade, Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Great Job, Sam!!!

After the race, the festivities included bounce houses, a giant slide (above), free food and drinks, raffle prizes (didn't win a thing!) and the Champions Run for Life.

The weather was Southern Nevada perfect (around 70 degrees) and Sam and I had a good time. Ana was scheduled to run but her bed (7:30am start) and a play date (do you call it that when they're 13?) with a friend won out in the end.

One of the charities which benefited from the proceeds was the John C. Vanderburg Rainforest Biosphere. This is the school the kids used to attend.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

He touches the ball

Proof that Sam (#11) actually touches the ball while playing soccer and still takes time to smile at his mom who is taking pictures.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Tuesday, October 17, 2006


You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

I guess all this homeschooling is paying off (even though we're only doing 5th grade math!) At least I'm doing something half way constructive as I sit here at my computer while Sam is behind me doing long division.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Akeelah and the Bee

Just watched Akeelah and the Bee with Sam and Mike. I really enjoyed this movie. I got it from Netlfix because Sam and I talked about it last year when he was in his Middle School Spelling Bee. (Keep in mind that Sam was in the third grade at the time.) I think the best lesson that I was able to share with Sam tonight during this movie is that just because two people of the opposite gender come together, form a close relationship and fulfill a need for each other does not mean they need to be romantically involved. Out of all the wonderful lessons in this movie including overcoming stereotypes, pleasing others instead of achieving something for yourself, accomplishing goals and persevering in the face of great odds, being "good friends" with someone of the opposite gender was the most important point to me.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Newest Black Belt in the "Family"

On Friday, October 13, 2006, our friend and classmate, Niki earned her black belt in Chun Kuk Do. Ana was her partner for testing which mostly means Niki got to beat her up for fun!! Here is a picture of them after the test.

There are fewer than 3000 black belts
in Chun Kuk Do so this is quite an honor.

A HUGE congratulations to Niki for a job well done.

My turn next...in March 2007.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


In my last post I mentioned that I can never find my cat, Magic. Today, I found him!! He sleeps in Ana's room. For any of you who know her well that will explain why I couldn't find him. Here he is (also not dead, only happy.)


Monday, October 09, 2006

They're not DEAD!

This is my Chihuahua, Gizmo. He is not dead, only happy.

This is my cat, Guinness. He is not dead, only happy.

This is NOT my cat, Magic. I can never find him when he is asleep. He's usually hiding in a closet or behind furniture somewhere. I know he is not dead because he shows up to eat.

This is how they spend the majority of their day. I wish I could join them.

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Again with the rain? What is the deal here? I'm starting to dread the words "Upper Level Low" since that is what meteorologists say when the rain is coming. See the big L right at the tip of Southern Nevada? Bad, Bad, Bad. As I've often told my children, "If you can't say something nice...talk about the weather."

Friday, October 06, 2006

Ask, and you shall receive...

I complained about using the A/C and look what I got!! A great big, green streak over Las Vegas. It's rained so much in the last couple of days I feel like I'm in Oregon again. Happily, the sun is shining again today and it is currently 70 degrees. This is why I live in Southern Nevada. For everyone in Oregon...I hope you're jealous. Please come for a visit (and stay at a hotel on The Strip, not at my house!)

Monday, October 02, 2006

I'm sick of A/C!!

This weekend the temperature neared 100 degrees on both Saturday and Sunday. It's October in Southern Nevada! My favorite month of the year precisely because it's supposed to be around 80 degrees everyday. I have a real problem with my air conditioner running in October. The alternative, of course, is to be miserable in the heat. Ana and Sam both had soccer games at around 2:00 in the afternoon. Nice and toasty warm! Luckily, there was a nice breeze blowing so it was bearable. The forecast is looking much better for the rest of the week so OFF goes the A/C. I try not to turn the heat on until late December or even January, but since we homeschool and are here all day, we usually have to break down and heat the place. This was Sam last November during school. I broke down (or into my wallet) and turned on the heat. I'll do a post on the first day I have to turn on the heater.