Friday, November 17, 2006

As promised

The weather outside has dropped to 53 degrees which is DARN COLD when you live in Southern Nevada. It's a frosty 56 degrees inside the house (might be time to check the amount of insulation in our tract house) so I did it for the first time this season: I turned on the furnace. On October 2, I promised a post to commemorate this auspicious occasion. Here it is, as promised!

I cheated! This palm tree is not
in Las Vegas but I couldn't find
a picture of snow on the Strip,
although that has happened.

1 had this to say:

Anonymous said...

I will agree with you on the 56 degrees inside being too cold. That is exactly what it was when we got home from Bend this weekend. The power had went out on Friday, and messed up the program on the furnace. BRRRR!!