Thursday, July 23, 2009

Just Getting Here?

Then you're too late. The home page of K*Bot World has already changed.

You gotta be fast to keep up with some people!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting Famous

Sam is getting famous! Read the first paragraph on the home page of K*Bot World. He's off to a great start at the World Championships.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

Short week this week. Our international karate tournament starts on Thursday so we're only eating at home on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The kids have not been eating well lately (owing to sickness) so they each had to plan a meal.

  • Chicken tacos (Sam) Says he doesn't like ground meat in tacos so will dice chicken for him instead. Still sounds good.
  • Chicken Dijon, Parmesan couscous, broccoli (Ana) A little more knowledgeable with regard to nutrition and balanced meals.
  • Turkey burgers, potato salad (Karen) This may end up in the freezer since after I went grocery shopping, Mike did his shopping for tonight's dinner and came home with turkey burgers to go with my potato salad. We have a lot of frozen things. Maybe I'll whip up a miracle.

Brought to you by I'm an Organizing Junkie.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Food Update

OMG!! I actually made everything on my menu plan this week. Most of it got eaten, too.

Ana had a status migraine for 3 weeks so she didn't eat much at all for the last week or so.

Finally took her to the ER and knocked the darn thing out of her. She is much happier now and eating again.

I guess I'll give in and do Pizza Friday to stick with the plan. Maybe Dominoes. I haven't eaten theere since I was in college. Or Pizza Hut! So I can say, "I just feasted for five dollars."

Monday, July 06, 2009

Menu Plan Monday

brought to you by I'm an Organizing Junkie

In no particular order
Updates as needed.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

The Food Reviews

Potato Leek soup with Chicken Andouille Sausage: Delicious, as always. It's hard to go wrong with this soup and the slightly spicy sausage complimented it quite nicely. I served it with Garlic Naan that I picked up at Trader Joe's.

Mexican Lasagna: Not bad. It's good that the kids did not see it being assembled as I'm sure they would have turned their collective noses up at cottage cheese. As it was I got "What kind of cheese is that?" Also, my family has a preference for corn tortillas rather than flour. And lastly, as usual, it made entirely too much food for my light-eating family of four. I served this with a black bean and roasted corn salad so there was a lot of corn and lots of black beans on the table.

Cheesy Penne with Chicken & Broccoli: This is pasta, chicken and broccoli with cheese sauce. What could be better? Nothing! Don't be afraid of making cheese sauce. It's incredibly easy.