Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It's not a New Year's Resolution. Many, many years ago I resolved not to make any more resolutions and I've stuck with it.

I do think I'd like to blog more (and perhaps Facebook less) in the coming year.

I'm going to start with Menu Plan Monday. It helps me prepare healthier meals and I don't have to wonder what's for dinner at 4pm.

We'll be serving more vegetables around here, too. My health is deteriorating since a knee injury. I've found an exercise routine I can do, so I'm at the gym every day now, too.

I'd prefer NOT to have a stroke this year, so changes are needed.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the year to come.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

Mexican Train arrived from Oregon. We had a great time playing it!
The kids being silly.
The tradition is to open one present that came in the mail on Christmas Eve.

Ana got TONS of nail polish.

And Sam got a shirt with a guitar on the front that plays music! Very cool.

Friday, December 04, 2009

She's a Whiz!

A new post is required because I'm tired of looking at colonoscopy prep!

The wine glass is not hers. The sippy cup is.