Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It's not a New Year's Resolution. Many, many years ago I resolved not to make any more resolutions and I've stuck with it.

I do think I'd like to blog more (and perhaps Facebook less) in the coming year.

I'm going to start with Menu Plan Monday. It helps me prepare healthier meals and I don't have to wonder what's for dinner at 4pm.

We'll be serving more vegetables around here, too. My health is deteriorating since a knee injury. I've found an exercise routine I can do, so I'm at the gym every day now, too.

I'd prefer NOT to have a stroke this year, so changes are needed.

Looking forward to seeing all of you in the year to come.

1 had this to say:

leelee said...

DO NOT FACEBOOK'll just have to work harder here...

HUGS and Happy New Year karen!