Monday, August 20, 2007

The Beach

Ana and I spent Saturday at Balboa Beach

The view wasn't bad

These women prove size doesn't matter
Everyone enjoys the beach

This mom took great care to keep her little
one out of the sun

These folks looked entirely TOO HOT.

I can't believe they were enjoying this.

Swim suits not required

This man spent hours digging this hole

I hope it wasn't for this man

I really wanted one of these...but they were

only advertising...not dropping from the sky.

Isn't she beautiful?


My daughter! Walking toward me in the bikini!

2 had this to say:

Patricia said...

Looks like you had a great time people watching, one of my favorite activities!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the beach and water were great!!...the people watching is also sooo much fun.

I like the mojito sign...