Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I composed yesterday's post over several days last week. It took me that long to think up six things about myself. In number five, I urged you all to wear seat belts.

My daughter's classmate was killed in a car crash on Friday. She was ejected through the front windshield when the truck she was a passenger in rolled. She was not wearing a seat belt.

Her memorial service was Tuesday afternoon.

These are the links to the newspaper article about the crash.

The crash.

The father (a local judge) of the boy who allegedly caused the crash wants him out of jail.

Ana sat next to this girl in three classes. She was supposed to try out for the soccer team with Ana on Saturday.

Saturday never came for Olivia.

1 had this to say:

Patricia said...

Oh lord, please let Ana know that I am so sorry for the loss of her friend.