Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anniversary Dinner

It's the slightly less expensive Joel Robuchon restaurant.
He has two at the MGM.
We had a great view of the kitchen.Karen started with
LES LEGUMES méditerranéens en mille-feuille à la mozzarella
Mediterranean vegetables layered with buffalo mozzarella and moved on to
LA LANGOUSTINE dans une papillote croustillante au basilic
Crispy langoustine fritter with basil pesto
Mike was more adventurous and ordered the Discovery Menu.
Le Concombre (to cleanse the pallet)LE THON ROUGE
cru mariné à l’huile tomatée et lamelles d’avocat épicé
Big eye tuna with tomato infused olive oil
la noix cuite au beurre d’algue, bouton de chou-fleur au curry et gingembre
Scallop cooked with seaweed butter, curried cauliflower L’ASPERGE VERTE
en cappuccino aux copeaux de parmesan
Capuccino of green asparagus with parmesan LA CAILLE
au foie gras, caramélisée avec une pomme purée truffée
Free-range quail stuffed with foie gras and served with truffled-mashed potatoes LA FRAISE
en infusion au saveur de basilic, crème glacée à l’olive
Strawberries with basil infusion and olive ice cream


glacée sur un pain de Gênes, rhubarbe au Lillet

Pistachio parfait with marinated rhubarb and Muscat sorbet


de tradition

Traditional tarts

The waiter took our picture.

2 had this to say:

leelee said...

Happy two look very happy :-)

and the food looked very yummy!


gaz said...

that menu looks delicious. happy anniversary.