Stolen from Life in Oregon.
- A is for age: 42
- B is for beer of choice: Hefeweizen (with the slice of lemon)
- C is for career right now: homemaker
- D is for your dog's name: Gizmo
- E is for essential item you use everyday: car
- F is for favorite TV show: The Amazing Race
- G is for favorite game to watch: baseball (in person)
- H is for Home town: Henderson, Nevada
- I is for instruments you play: piano
- J is for favorite juice: V-8 Spicy
- K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: the list is long but illustrious
- L is for last place you ate: at my desk
- M is for marriage: yes, it is
- N is for your name: Karen Michele Temple Crittenden
- O is for overnight hospital stay: never been in the hospital
- P is for people you were with today: so far just Mike, Ana & Sam
- Q is for what's your best quality: I let people be who they are
- R is for what are you currently reading: The Lost Constitution by William Martin
- S is for relationship status: married
- T is for time you woke up today: 0530
- U is for the type of underwear you have on: don't you wish you knew
- V is for vegetable you love: winter squash
- W is for worst habits: chastising other drivers (I know they can't hear me.)
- X is for x-rays you've had recently: teeth
- Y is for something candy: Good N Plenty, or the fancy french nougat from the wine store
- Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer
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