Monday, October 13, 2008

What's Cookin'

I'm not really sure, but this is what I found on sale at the grocery store this week.

Cube Steak
Ground Turkey
Chicken Breasts

Not much going on in the vegetable crisper except 1/2 a bag of salad, a cucumber and a tomato.
Plenty of rice and couscous on hand.
The freezer yielded some green peas, frozen broccoli and a Crockpot Dinner I bought a long time ago.

It looks like I'll be going back for fresh produce (which is fine, really, because I'm also out of Chardonnay!)

Friday Ana and I are headed to Utah for her black belt test so the boys will YOYO* all weekend.

*You're on your own

1 had this to say:

Mo said...

I am interested in what you did with those items. It's so hard to put dinner on the table every night, I'm always looking for new ideas.