Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Printer

When The Celebrity Apprentice teamed up with Kodak and did a challenge with a printer, I was intrigued. I'm in need of a printer and the Kodak 5500 All-in-One looked like a good one. Best of all, the ink cartridges are much less expensive than those for my Lexmark.

But I'm basically cheap (okay, I was willing to pay and Mike said no) and couldn't bring myself to pay $250 for a new printer.

Enter Mother's Day! (Okay, you got me again. Ana had a school project that required lots of printing and the Lexmark was inadequate for the job.) The Kodak 5500 AiO (that's All-in-One) in now available for the low, low price of (wait for it!) $150.

So now I have one!

1 had this to say:

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT!....but now you won't bug me to send a fax :(