Monday, March 05, 2007

The Cupcake Verdict

We, the jury, in the above entitled action do hereby find the defendant, Barefoot Contessa Coconut Cupcakes, NOT WORTHY, of a clogged artery. So say we one, so say we all.

While I enjoyed making these cupcakes since I haven't done any baking in a long time, the end result wasn't worth it. I used all the finest ingredients I could find (just like a REAL chef) and followed the instructions carefully. Maybe part of the problem is that I really don't like cake.

The best part was the cream cheese frosting but I ended up with enough frosting to do another cake - maybe a carrot cake. That would be really good with cream cheese frosting.

Sam doesn't like coconut, so he won't be eating these. He asked me to leave the coconut out but I explained that they wouldn't be Coconut Cupcakes without coconut.

In the final analysis, I would much rather have spent my calories on a brownie. Not just any brownie, either. These brownies, which we refer to as Alton Brown-ies in our house.

Having said all that, none of it stopped me from eating two of them. Sigh....

1 had this to say:

Anonymous said...

I'm with Sam I don't really like coconut but I would have been right there with you eating at least 2! I'll have to try that brownie recipe next time the family is screaming for chocolate. I once had apple slices (cored and cut across so there's a hole in the middle)topped with peanut butter and toasted coconut. Those were a treat and probably the only time in my life I enjoyed the white flaky stuff.