Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Day in the Life...HEY! WAKE UP!

0130..wake up because Mike is out of bed working, let the dog out, take meds I forgot
0213..check the clock - still awake
0302..check the clock - still awake
0358..Mike back from work, cold, provide body heat to warm him[i'm so sweet :)]
0613..first wake up call from Ana - yes, she wakes ME up, not the other way around
0631..out of bed, get dressed, contact lenses in Ana to school
0704..arrive back home, make sure Sam is getting ready Sam to school
0800.."shop" breakfast, pretend to be a spy and do top-secret stuff
0919..go to walmart in search of winter coat for Sam (soccer season is COLD!)
0938..done at walmart - no coat, only a hat ($1.42)
0952..arrive at mall prior to opening - starbucks is open, thank goodness
1022..mission accomplished at victoria's secret
1035..short notice appointment at chiropractor to put hip back in place
1122..finally get to sneak in a shower
1150..check email
1210..receive phone call from friend lunch while reading blogs on my own blog call from Ana, trainer says no practice due to slight elbow injury
1320..pick up Ana from school and go to walgreens(no luck) and smith's for elbow tape
1401..arrive home to ups package on porch - Ana's fur lined hoodie
1525..get Sam from school - lego club cancelled, he didn't tell me
1547..arrive home, get mail, three netflix movies arrived
1620..make dinner - killer turkey hash (the cookbook's name, not my opinion of hash) dinner, pretty good, but not "killer"
1720..lay down on the bed and rest for a few minutes, it's been a long day
1730..greet Mike who is home from his even longer day
1753..leave for karate with Ana
2104..arrive home, eat snack
2135..type up blog post so it's ready for tomorrow (another busy day ahead)
2140..check calendar for tomorrow's appointments (doctor and Ana's away soccer game)
2142..take meds(remembered this time) and go to bed

There's a reason my byline is "The minutiae of the life of a housewife." This stuff is boring!

1 had this to say:

JL4 said...

Ya just gotta love the 24-hour military clock. Talk tactically to me baby, and I'll follow you anywhere.

Good blog...nice idea.